Back to the pool take 2
Posted by Riley Balecke on 1 December 2020
Blue Pool have confirmed that we can restart MASC swimming on Thursday evening and Saturday morning THIS WEEK, as per 'Covid Normal', i.e. as we were doing before this second lockdown.
This means, of course, that we will be operating according to the full set of Covid rules, just as before, i.e. turning up beach-ready, queuing on the patio according to Lane and leaving by the patio 'back door'
etc. A copy of the procedures and layout documents along with the FAQs that you have already seen can be found on the website, under my 24th September post. Please re-familiarise yourselves with these documents. As before, I will be on site for all sessions, to ensure compliance and in case anyone has any queries, either during or after each session. If you have any queries in the meantime, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I am confident we will be running effective (and fun!) sessions in as safe a manner as is possible.
I look forward to seeing Thursday and Saturday swimmers, and will update you as soon as I have news about bringing back our Teach To Swimmers.