Swim Session update

Posted by Riley Balecke on 22 July 2021

Please take note of the updated swim seession guidelines effective immediately;

  1. Entrance to and exit from the pool will be via Reception and the changing rooms.  The patio area will no longer be used for this purpose.  There are, however, separate doors for entry and exit.  Please follow the arrows.
  2. Changing rooms will now be available for MASC use.  This includes lockers, showers and hairdryers.  If swimmers wish to bring kit onto poolside, they may still do so, although it is not, of course, as secure as putting it in a locker and then locking it!
  3. Blue Pool Management do however request that swimmers continue to arrive beach ready, in order to limit the numbers in the changing rooms at the start of the session.  But if swimmers wish to change into costumes in the changing rooms, this is fine.
  4. At the end of the session, swimmers may use the changing rooms to get showered and changed.  Equally, if they prefer to continue with the existing arrangements, and put outside clothes / a towelling robe over their wet costumes, they may.
  5. Check-in will be in Reception.  Swimmers should not go into the changing rooms until they have checked in with whoever is doing registration in reception.
  6. While there is no longer any legal requirement to wear masks in reception or on poolside, we would politely request all non-swimmers to do so, unless they are medically exempt.  This is in accordance with current medical advice for enclosed spaces.
  7. Hand sanitizer will still be available at various locations throughout the Blue Pool, and we ask that non-swimmers make use of it on entry.
  8. The QR code for the Blue Pool will stay on display.  Please feel free to scan it on entry, as before.
  9. Parents / guardians may now come onto poolside and use spectator chairs.  These will all now be along the gym side of the pool.  As such, there will a greater number than previously on that side, and they will not be at 1 metre + intervals.  While again, social distancing is no longer a legal requirement, where possible, we would ask spectators to leave one empty chair on each side, and avoid bunching up.  Chairs should not be moved around, and the patio side of the pool is now for coaches and lifeguards only.
  10. Parents and guardians collecting swimmers should kindly wait outside the reception area, along the ‘Assembly Hall’ wall side – this is to avoid clashing with people queueing to use the gym.
  11. There will be some benefits in the water, such as more deep end diving, and a higher number of swimmers permitted in each lane.


In general, although the bubble system is being relaxed, we will do our utmost to maintain an environment for swimming which is as safe as possible.

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